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For more information about our services, cost or how to get started:

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Articulation Therapy

A focus on how speech sounds are produced.


Clarity of pronunciation

Specific speech strategies

Speech plan creation


Language Therapy

A focus on expressive and receptive language skills.


Ability to use language expressively

Listening skills

The ability to follow verbal directions

Understanding spoken language


Early Childhood

A focus on children ages 0 to 5.


Children learn all sorts of marvelous communication skills during time because this is the time when their brains are the most malleable.... 


Occupational Therapy

A focus on sensory needs.


Fine Motor Skills, Life Skills (i.e., learning to navigate life after stroke, frustration tolerance, and much more!

Therapy Sessions
Our Approach

I believe that every individual is special and has a unique blend of strengths and weaknesses. I get to know each person, professionally assess and treat each client through scientifically proven, research-based interventions, to create a plan to help bring out the very best in each person.

About Us

Hi, my name is Caroline and I’m thrilled you’re here!  Through our work in the Kimberly community, we have gotten to know so many of you & your sweet children and we can’t wait to meet more!

Getting Help

Whether you are a newborn or 100 years-wise, you can benefit from Speech Therapy. The key is recognizing needs early on and addressing them fully so that they don't become overly burdensome. Even if you have a simple concern, come see us so we can work together to find you some peace of mind and a plan forward.










Any friends who need a local speech therapist. I highly recommend Makona Therapy. They are located on Main Street in Kimberly and they will do a wonderful job helping those who need help in speech therapy.

Jessica E, Kimberly

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